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We are a Work In Progress brewery. Learn more about our inclusivity commitments.

We are a Work In Progress brewery

Work In Progress is an open, decentralised group of breweries that aspire to a more inclusive and representative beer industry. We’re committed to taking action in our businesses and forging links with communities to increase opportunities and promote collaboration between brewers and under-represented groups in our society.

We need to do more. We are committed to getting this right. Below are explicit commitments that we aim to weave into the fabric of our company. We will measure, interrogate and adapt with humility. If you drink or sell our beer, we hope we’re on a similar path.

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Team Mondo x

Our Commitment

1. Establish a Progress Fund, backed by the proceeds of a series of Progress beers. Funding and information on how to apply will be made available to BAME, LGBT+, Female, Disabled Persons applicants from early 2021.

2. Work with BAME, LGBT+, Female, Disabled Persons creatives on art direction for the Progress beer series, whilst continuing to explore opportunities for inclusion elsewhere in the business.

3. Deliver continuous team development, promoting positive discourse regarding inclusivity in our industry, with a rolling commitment to induct all new team members into our Work In Progress company goals.

4. Increase the visibility and voice of BAME, LGBT+, Female, Disabled Persons in our social media, photography, artwork and website content.


5. Interrogate and eliminate appropriation in all communications, and challenge its use elsewhere in the industry. This includes any approach that is seen to discriminate against or separate any group as other.

6. Guarantee an interview for BAME, LGBT+, Female, Disabled Persons applicants; to address unconscious bias, widen opportunity and learn. 'Interview first' policy in place.

7. Be accountable, through quarterly reviews and an annual summary, in close participation with other Work In Progress partners. Next review: 6th October 2020.

Any questions, concerns or advice?